Women standing in front of people at front of room with papers on board

Why You Need Tailwind

Find better investment opportunities, faster.

You’re inundated with investment opportunities but only a select few will meet your exacting standards. It takes a keen eye and deep due diligence to spot exceptional prospects that fit your investment checklist, risk tolerance, and passion. Getting it wrong is costly, getting it right is everything.

FlightPlan™ by Tailwind was created for investors to streamline their due diligence process.

Tailwind offers investors:

Deep due diligence

Our team conducts extensive due diligence on companies to accelerate the learning curve and present investment opportunities in a clear, concise manner.

Expanded horizons

We expand the breadth of high-graded investment opportunities, providing line-of-sight to companies that may not have come across your desk.

Curated opportunities

Subscribe and we’ll only share meaningful investment opportunities that fit your investment criteria, saving you valuable time.

Ability to get to yes (or no) faster

Our process is time-efficient, with significant due diligence done prior to the investor meeting the company, accelerating the investment decision-making process.

Save your time. Lower your risk.

Outsource your due diligence.

Found a venture that you think has the potential to soar, but need to look under the hood before you invest?

Invite them to FlightPlan™ and we’ll help them get there.

Three people standing and pointing at a board on a wall


Seasoned Aviators.

Our Aviator Program unites experienced entrepreneurs, executives, VCs, and Angel Investors with the next generation of founders. Aviators join to share their insights with ventures that align with their expertise and interests - helping emerging founders to navigate the highs and lows of venture building.

Raj Singh

News & Views

Determining Your ESG Strategy

Determining Your ESG Strategy

Environment, social, and governance (“ESG”) factors provide a framework for assessing the efforts of an organization, its value to investors, and how[...]

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Killing the Angel Investor

Since Tailwind commenced operations in the fall of 2018, we have met with hundreds of entrepreneurs, start-ups, and early-stage companies. These[...]

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Person looks at a child's drawing of the words START UP with a rocket ship, lightbulb, and clouds

An Honest Take: The Start-Up Journey

“I have an awesome idea. See, I wrote it down on a napkin. How much are you investing?”     – Many Entrepreneurs  Ok – you caught[...]

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FAQs for Investors

Investors likely see too much deal flow, constantly being bombarded by companies and pitch decks asking for investment. Only the rare, exceptional few, will be investment-ready and meet your investment criteria. It is difficult and time consuming to distinguish the investable companies from the rest. Tailwind's FlightPlan™ is a comprehensive due diligence program that thoroughly screens and readies companies for investment, prior to connecting with investors. We high-grade opportunities that meet your investment criteria, thereby saving you time.

We understand that you have a tried-and-true due diligence process. We aren't here to change that. FlightPlan™ is designed to augment and accelerate the process that you already use. Ideally, by the time that you dive into understanding a company introduced by Tailwind, most of your questions are answered, and you can focus your efforts on determining if a company is a fit within your portfolio.

Our FlightPlan™ program is all about risk mitigation and respect for capital providers. Getting it right is everything, getting it wrong is costly. We have a shared goal of safeguarding capital and generating above-average returns.

Prior to making an investment, investors use Tailwind as a trusted partner to provide an unbiased third-party perspective in the investment decision. Our incremental diligence and assessment of high-graded opportunities provides investors with additional assurance, prior to becoming fully invested in a new portfolio company.